Thursday, October 17, 2013

Another one bites the dust!

7 years old, and 7 teeth gone!  The tooth fair is so good to this kid too!  Last time, she brought him 4 quarters, a gold dollar, & and a Chuck E. Cheese coin.  This tooth in particular was the first one he let me pull out.  He is usually very scared about losing teeth, and waits until they are literally holding on by a thread before he will pop them out...but this one, he came up to me, and said "mom, can you pull my tooth out?"  I did the ole "1-2-PULL" trick, when he was least expecting it!  I love how cute he is with his big front teeth, mixed with his little teeth.  

BTW, we went to the dentist and he only had 1 cavity this last trip!  Our kids are notorious for caviities.  They do a great job brushing twice a day, but have weak teeth, and eat a lot of candy.  We are working on reducing the candy/soda, and brushing more diligently, and it has paid off.  The one tooth he had a cavity on, was a tooth he had broken (molar) a year ago, and never told me so it had gotten worst.  They were able to put a crown on it, and he is still having some pain.  We have been back to the dentist, and the nerves are not exposed, and the crown seems to be in place well, so I am hoping it is just leftover pain from the process of placing the crown.  We are keeping a close eye on it though.  

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