Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dinner with the Missionaries

At the beginning of October, we had the missionaries for dinner. This was the first time we were able to actually have them in our home to eat (our schedules are so crazy that we usually just wind up dropping off taco bell on our assigned night). It was a lot of fun! To me, I feel like it is giving back to the missionaries, because I am eternally grateful for the difference they made in my life. To them, I'm sure, it's just dinner. This night we had taco salad (which was AWESOME, if I must say), and brownies for dessert. Since Halloween was around the corner, I let Brody decorate the brownies while I cooked the meat for the salads. I was obviously not supervising him very well...the missionaries were good sports though, and ate their brownies with no complaints. :) Thanks Brody for the very colorful brownies!

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