Saturday, October 20, 2012

Elizabeth Smart

Thursday night, I had the opportunity to go with a group of wonderful ladies, to go and listen to Elizabeth Smart speak about overcoming adversity.  Since her dissapearance in 2002, I have been fascinated with her case, and her life after her return. 

We were fortunate enough to attend a VIP pre-reception, where we were able to meet Elizabeth, and take pictures.  Afterwords, we ate dinner, and then listened to her tell her story in an hours time. 

Her story was quite summed up, due to the lack of time, but I feel like I took a lot from it.  The two keypoints I took were:

  • Teach your children to fight if anyone ever tries to hurt them. Punch, kick, scream, poke the captor's any means necessary to stop them.  They have nothing to lose, once under the hold of a kidnapper.  Nick and I have been telling the kids this since they were old enough to talk, and will continue to ingrain this in them. 
  • Be happy.  Nobody can take your happiness from you.  She said after she was rescued, her mom told her "That man did a lot of bad things to you, Elizabeth, and justice may not be served in this life, but it will in the next life.  The best punishment you can give him on this earth, though, is to be happy.  To live your life, and follow your dreams."

Along with an uplifting, talk, and great food, I was able to spend time with some wonderful women.  Angie Chase, Valerie Chandler, Aly Clark, Kate Wilcox, Michelle Douglass, Laura Sasine, Sharon and Alex Fife, Mardee Clive, Erin Edginton, Kathy Travis, and Tara Fleming. 

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