Sunday, April 26, 2009

Talking to Jesus

After church today, I asked Brody what he learned about. You told me this:

"Jesus is a good man. He is not a bad man. Tashya tell me Jesus is good man, so he is good. We don't fight Jesus."

I proceeded to tell you about what a wonderful man Jesus is. How he gave his life for us, and has sacrificed everything for us, so that we can live with him and Heavenly Father again someday. I also told you that we can talk to Jesus through our prayers. This is how you responded (looking up at the window):

"Hey Jesus! I eating my popcorn! Yes, Jesus, I at home, eating popcorn now. Okay, Jesus! BYE!"

Then, you looked at me and told me "Next time, Jesus come to our house tomorrow. He asked me 'whats going on?' so I tell him I at home eating popcorn."

I love your love and desire to talk to Jesus. You regularly say prayers, and ask to pray for those you think need a prayer. You have such a sweet spirit.



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