Sunday, September 23, 2012

Haun's Mill

The Haun's Mill Massacre site was the last church history site we visited.  This was the site where 75 LDS families resided peacefully.  The land itself is very peaceful.  40 acres, along a small river.  The site is about 4 miles down a gravel road.

On October 30, 1838, 250 Missourians stormed the land, and murdered 19 Saints, and injured 13.  This was one of the worst massacres of the "Mormon War" in the 1800's.  Men, women, and children were murdered.  One account was of a 9 year old boy, who hid in the mill during the attack.  He was found, and pulled out, and a man held a musket to his head and killed him.  The man's remarks were "Knits turn into lice, and this one would have turned into a Mormon."

The bodies were then put into a well, and a marker stone was place over the well to mark where the bodies rested.  The land has changed hands several times, and the marker stone has been moved several times.  The exact location of the well is no longer known.  The Church recently purchased the land in April, and have created a monument to remember those who lost their lives on that day.

The feeling of this land was very somber.  Very heart wrenching to know the horrible act that had occurred there.  These people truly consecrated their lives to the church, and many gave their lives for their faith.  Once again, I feel so grateful for the opportunities that we have today, and for the sacrifices of those who went before us, so that we can worship, and proclaim our faith proudly.

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