Sunday, September 23, 2012

Far West

This was another Temple Site, that was dedicated, but never built, because the members were driven out before it could be finished.  The 4 cornerstones, representing the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, the Aaronic Priesthood, the Melchizedek Priesthood, and the First Presidency of the Church, were laid.  The cornerstones still exist on the land, and are preserved in glass, with markers explaining the representation of each cornerstone.

The monument describes that the Lord had consecrated the land to be a Holy and Sacred land, and commanded that a temple should be built there.

Prior to their being driven out, there were roughly 5,000 members of the church living in the area.  There were several stores, and businesses, as well as 150 houses.  Today, there is nothing.  Not a thing, except this monument, and a general store.  The land is all farmland.  The houses had either been torn down or burned when the saints were driven from the land.

Again, it was very overwhelming for me to see what the saints had to go through for the gospel.  My heart is full of gratitude that we live in a day and age where we can practice our religion, without the extent of persecution that they had to go through.

The land surrounding the Temple Site was so serene and peaceful.  Nick and I saw about twelve deer leaping through the tall grass together.  I tried to put myself in the pioneer's shoes, and felt that I would have wanted to settle here as well, if I were them.

Another amazing spiritual experience on this land.  I could have stayed here all day to take in the Spirit that I felt here.

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